Saturday, May 25, 2013

My First Four Months in South Africa: Part II

Permagarden training workshop.
After digging down 50cm, we layered
twigs, cans, leaves, grasses
and two layers of soil. 

To make things more interesting,
we designed our plots in the shape
of hearts, peace signs and
'V' for volunteer 

Anti-rape, abuse and violence campaign
in Ezakheni, Kwa-Zulu Natal--we marched
through the township, gathering
community members and school children
 as we sang, chanted, and danced.

One of the few remaining Apartheid era
one room houses in my township.
New government housing has water,
electricity, and multiple rooms.

Orphans and vulnerable children
playing in front of the camera at
my org's public creche.

Nswelamanzivela Primary School,
a school that thanks to the volunteer
before me will soon have a new (and fully
functional!) computer lab for it's learners
 to use by the end of the summer.

Crazy security surrounding my house at
site. I've caught my hair on it
more than once all ready.

Thabaphaswa Wildlife Sanctuary
outside of Mokopane, Limpopo.
For one blissful night we left homestays,
cellphones and PC training behind
to camp in the wild.

Peace Corps South Africa 27
swearing-in ceremony. We were sworn
in without witnesses, embassy representatives
or municipality folks--and it was perfect.

Post swearing-in festivities.

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